Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Infer the Meaning

Good Morning!
As we conclude our poetry unit, I would like for us to analyze some Calvin and Hobbes comic strips. Choose one of them, and analyze the character's conversation and actions. In your post, make an inference about the ending of the strip. Notice how in none of the choices the author provides an explicit conclusion.

Note: Remember to write your name!

¡Buenos Días!
Al concluir nuestra unidad de poesía, me gustaría que analizáramos unos cómics de Calvin y Hobbes. Escoge uno, y analiza las conversaciones y acciones de los personajes. En tu comentario, haz una inferencia sobre el final del cómic. Nota que ninguno de los ejemplos provee una conclusión explícita.

Nota: ¡Recuerda escribir tu nombre!

by Bill Watterson

1st Comic

2nd Comic

 3rd Comic

Monday, November 21, 2011

New Diary of a... what?

Hello everyone, 
   check out the interview made to one of the most popular authors among kids today; Jeff Kinney! The writer of six best-sellers answers a couple of questions about his latest book: Cabin Fever. Read the interview and answer the following question:
  • In your opinion, do you think books can influence kid's behavior? Why or why not?

Hola a todos,
   lean esta entrevista que se le hizo a uno de los autores mas populares entre los niños hoy; Jeff Kinney! El escritor de seis libros exitosos en las librerías responde algunas preguntas sobre su nuevo libro: Cabin Fever. Lee la entrevista y responde la siguiente pregunta:
  • En tu opinión, ¿crees que los libros influencian el comportamiento de los niños? ¿Por qué si o por qué no?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

World Records!

6to Grado! I want to inaugurate the blog with a fun text. After reading the article found in the Scholastic News for Kids website, answer this question:
  • If you had the opportunity to set a world record, what would it be, and where would you organize it?
Read the article by clicking here! 

Don't Forget to add your name at the bottom of your response!

Introduction to our blog

Greetings, 6th Grade! This will be a safe environment for you to learn about different happenings around the globe. Newspapers, television, and radio are not the only sources of news and events, this will help you explore other mediums. Hope this discussions helps you with the end-of-the-week reports!